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Friday, August 31, 2012

Make Folder Locker from HTA (HTML Application)

Previously I've talked about making a VBS folder locker, now I make a version of HTML Application (HTA), just copy code below into notepad and save it as "*.HTA" extension (ex."Locker.hta"), and then double click it and enjoy,,, if some problem found in my HTA, please fix it,,, if you run the HTA for first time, you'll asked to make new folder and new password...


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Membuat Folder Locker dari Visual Basic Script (VBS)

Sebelumnya ane udah membahas soal "Membuat Folder Locker dari BATCH", nah, sekarang ane buat yang baru nih, kali ini bukan bahasa BATCH yang digunakan, tetapi bahasa Visual Basic Script (VBS),,, tetapi mungkin masih banyak kesalahan pengeditan, soalnya ane juga masih awam dalam bahasa VBScript, kalo ada yang nemu kesalahan tolong di fix ya, Ok, langsung aja, pertama2 copass semua script di bawah ini ke notepad, lalu save dengan extensi "*.VBS", caranya setelah nulis di notepad pilih save as, terus tambahin .vbs dibelakang nama file, dan ubah formatnya menjadi all files, lalu save deh...


Make Folder Locker with Visual Basic Script (VBS)

Previously I've talked about making a batch folder locker, now I make a version of Visual Basic Script (VBS), but my knowledge about VBS less than about BAT, if there are any problems found, please fix it, Ok, let's start, first Copy this script into notepad and save as "*.VBS" extension, ex:"Locker.vbs", after that, run the VBScript file and follow the wizard to make new folder and new password...
